Malaria: canadian red cross in Mozambique

[400.000 mosquitieros anti-malária: Cruz vermelha canadiana apoia famílias moçambicanas com menores de 5 anos. Atenção: 400.000 redes, não famílias!]

 Canadian Red Cross gives lifesaving gift to 400.000 families in Mozambique. Ottawa, December 6, 2005 — In one of the largest initiative of its kind, Red Cross volunteers will travel throughout central Mozambique over the next two weeks to distribute 400,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) to families with children under five years old. The bed nets — which last for up to five years — will be given out free of charge to provide protection against mosquito bites that transmit malaria.

The nets are provided by the Canadian Red Cross with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency. Several Canadian Red Cross delegates will be involved in this effort.

Malaria poses a serious health risk around the world, especially in Africa where malaria is the leading killer of children under five. The Red Cross estimates that 500 million people are infected with malaria each year. Over 1 million of these are children who will die from the disease.

400,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets start the last leg of their journey from a Red Cross warehouse in Mozambique into the hands of families who need them.

400,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets start the last leg of their journey from a Red Cross warehouse in Mozambique into the hands of families who need them.

“These nets are a cost effective way of fighting death and disease due to malaria, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for 90 percent of deaths due to malaria worldwide,” said Marcy Erskine, Canadian Red Cross Malaria Advisor in Mozambique. “Often people who are in greatest need are unable to access or afford them — even at a cost of about $8.00 CDN each.”

The Red Cross will launch a similar distribution campaign later in the month in Niger. Last December, the Red Cross distributed over 700,000 treated bed-nets in Togo.

“This malaria prevention program will make a huge difference in the lives of families,” said David Lough, a member of Canadian Red Cross Board of Governors who will be in Mozambique from December 2 to 8 to observe the project. “Malaria can represent a serious financial burden to families Mozambique, as malaria medication is expensive. Most importantly, it is estimated that at least six lives can be saved for every 1,000 children who sleep under a bed net.”

This integrated initiative is a collaborative effort with the Canadian International Development Agency, Mozambique Red Cross, Mozambique Ministry of Health, WHO, and UNICEF.

For more information or to arrange an interview with a spokesperson in Mozambique or Niger, please contact:

Alice d’Anjou
Canadian Red Cross
Tel.: (613) 740-1928
Cell: (613) 222-6196

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